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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How it feels to be taken me

A taken woman like me feels scared, desperate and alive. Wondering a lot, Saying " i love you " to a person wondering to yourself is this too good to be true? people sometimes crave the other person, i crave my man. I crave his existence, his lips, his face and his eyes.  As I began to feel full, beautiful, and magnificent internally, I experienced others feeling these things for me in a greater way than ever before. That's because the secret to feeling loved by someone else is loving yourself. When you love yourself first, then everything else will fall into place. Feeling cherished and useful is what i feel when i have this boy around me. The way his fingers touch my skin, the way he just glances at me out of nowhere. The best feeling in the world is being absolutely and utterly in love with someone. Being scared is what i feel sometimes because what if this is just a test relationship? being in a wrong relationship will make you feel more alone than when you were single.

To be in a happy relationship, know how to love yourself and enjoy your time before starting your life with someone else. A Taken me feels confused sometimes, confused about what will happen a few months from now. People sometimes get hungry because they really could use someone . We could use their loving. When you’re so in love with each other that you share a tremendous amount of time with one another. The conversations never get boring, Whether its about school, family or friends.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Virtual Selves Essay


In this generation a lot of younger people have grown using social media. It changed the way we are today. There's no peer pressure to be someone you're not. There's no money, supplies or anything that you have to use. It's all in your own creativity. It's a world were there is no boundaries. Online has several advantages if you could call them that. People can talk to people completely at their own convenience without seeming rude. You present yourself the way you want to and they can be more honest since they're hiding behind a screen and aren't in person. Everyone has friends, families and people that they just associate with. Social network simply makes it visible to other who aren't in our area. The connections are built one at a time. The main reason why people have social networks is to expands their friendships and build other networks. Community can form anywhere even on a social network site. Both of them have very roles in the human society. One can try out the role of a " male " and isn't judged by his skin color or what clothes he has on. 

" Facebook is for students " as told on page 164 . Police have shut down parties and underage drinking after learning about them on Facebook. " Traffic has grown 272% in the past year making it the most popular website overall, according to Media Metrix " Having a page online that makes you feel wanted and having your own pictures up. " Tumblr " is a site that you go to express yourself through pictures and you aren't judged by others because of how you look or act. It also gives the advantage of talking to a user Privately. Living in a virtual world can be the key to people wanting to feel wanted. It lets you do and say the same thing as other users do. In the real world you're bullied and judged by others and can't do many things because you aren't  equally treated. That's a reason why people tend to live in the virtual world instead of the real world. The Internet connects millions of people. You can meet people from all over the glove online at any time of day.

Some people around the world feel lonely or simply bored when they're at home so they want someone to talk to but sometimes that person is shy or insecure about themselves. Everyone in this generation has at least one social network and is on it every single day sometimes it might distract you. People take up too much of their time online and sometimes get distracting by the fact that it's not real life and pretend to be something that their not online which is so sad. Sometimes people have fakes of each other online maybe because they don't feel like they're good enough or who knows but lots of people talk to fake accounts online. Which is such a scary thing to do, that's why you aren't supposed to trust the Internet. You never know who you'll end up talking to. People can end up finding you online and tracking you down in real life you should always be careful when it comes to that.   In text 6, “That the internet links millions of people in new spaces that are changing the way we think and the way we form our communities. (147) “We are using the life behind a computer screen to become comfortable with new ways of thinking about evolution, relationships, sexuality, politics, and identity.” The virtual world allows us to be something we’re not and you lose your true identity.  

The interment is useful for such educational purposes but the way our generation today is using it, it affects the way we live and learn. Students in class don’t focus on what the teacher has to say because they might be too focused on the internet. Looking up all different sorts of pictures. 
Social sites only make us judge each other even more just like the media as a whole.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Descritive essay

This winter break I had to make a choice to either stay at my home school or change schools. It was a big decision for me, if I were to change schools it would mean for me to meet new people and just fresh all over again. It was a scary feeling, I new people at this school already but still nobody wants to go through that all over again. I had went to the snow over break for my first time and it wasn't fun at all, I'm not used to cold weather and I'm not used to being in the snow at all. I don't think I would ever wanna go back to the snow just because I like when it's hot outside and when the sand is between my toes and that warm summer breeze in the air. I got to see friends and meet new people, it was fantastic. I'm the type of person who doesn't like to stay home or sleep a lot. I like going on different kind of adventures and finding new people that I can bond with and that like the same things I do. I met a very handsome guy this winter break and we got along so well and i made him my boyfriend. It was a very interesting break, meeting someone so soon and having so much feelings for them is so scary because it can all end so quickly. Me and my family had tamales and a bunch of food for Christmas and On New Years, it was a very fun time.